Thursday, April 7, 2011

What Now??

Can someone please tell me when is my life going to get easy? Why is it so damn difficult? My husband was fired from his NEW job on Monday due to a misunderstanding of policy. I had to travel 550 miles both ways to get him home with all his stuff from his truck. I had just started my new diet plan and that was shot out of the water! He has gone through so many jobs! I know this gets him down but good grief! When is this going to stop? Now neither of us are working and we have a total of $154.00 in the bank. We were just starting to get caught up on our bills and this happens. I just can't take it anymore. I try to be strong and say "everything will be alright." I've even mentioned that I would go back to work even if just a temp but he said noooooo, keep my spiritual routine going. How can I have joy in the ministry when I have all this chaos going on in my house? I'm 400 miles away from family and I feel so alone and so discouraged. I'm really very sad. I'm not sure if writing this silly blog even helps. It's not like anyone is reading it. Nope, just me. I JUST CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!

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