Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Job; New Outlook

Hello friend. Last week I started a new job as an independent contractor delivering small packages around town. I really like it! The only downfall is my car's air conditioning is broke. The heat really gets to me and I'm afraid if I don't get it fixed soon I will have to quit. Last night I came home with a HORRIBLE headache from the heat. Today was the same way only my stomach was the issue. My husband thinks I'm a baby. Nice guy huh? Just because he can take it doesn't mean I can. Am I really a baby? Or, have I been so spoiled with the comforts of life? Nope....I NEED air conditioning!!!! I know, I know....there are soooo many people so far worse off than I. I should suck it up! Then again, I say....why for? I'm car needs repair....I should get it done so I can be productive. I am in my car from 10 a.m. to sometime 7 p.m. or longer and I don't get out of the heat! And what about when it rains and it's 100 degrees outside??? That's a long freaking time to be in the elements wouldn't you say? The heat from the roads, cars and of course the sun really do me in.

So I a baby?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

My New Grandson is Born!

May 12th, 2010. Baby Kenny is born...9 lbs, 14 oz.! Healthy and gorgeous! I didn't know about the birth until a day later. That kind of made me sad that my daughter didn't call me right away to let me know. I don't know what's happened to my family. I know what happened...I left my family. I moved 400 miles away from my family 11 years ago. I left my family to fend for themselves and have been beating myself up ever since. My family is a mess and I blame myself. Hell....I'm a mess. After my divorce in the 80's I had no clue, no moral compass and God only knows I didn't know how to raise my kids on my own. I went through several men and 2 engagements before I found my current husband. I couldn't manage my bills very well, always made poor decisions no matter financially or personally. To this day I make decisions based on "want" and not "need." Just ask my husband, he'll tell ya! I wonder why he has stayed with me this long. LOL.

Since my layoff I have found it extremely difficult to find a job. Last week I took a job delivering small packages, you know, courier services. I enjoy it but I'm not sure if the money is enough to make a difference. I guess some money is better than no money.

Until next time!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Daughter No. 1

My oldest daughter lives in Tennessee with her teenage son and new husband. Some years ago, we had an argument and our relationship has been strained ever-since. I know I wasn't the perfect Mom when my kids were growing up but I thought I did the best I could. Perhaps I could have done a lot better but I didn't know that at the time. The stresses of being a divorsed mother, not knowing how to manage money or my own life or how to raise 3 kids on my own really took its toll.

This past weekend the floods in Tennessee worried me and I contacted her through Facebook. She is cordial with me and assured me that they were alright. Facebook seems to be the only way of communication and the only way I can see what's going on in my daughters life. Being estranged really sucks.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 2 - A Stressful Experience!

In April of 2008 I left my home in Columbus, OH to begin my training as a truck driver. My husband swung by the house, scooped me up in his big green tractor and off to Springfield, MO we go. I go through the training totally stressed out. After all, I am 50+ years old and the old brain cells don't retain information like they used to. I finally passed the written exams on all the things you need to do when you drive a truck. I learned more about the mechanics of the tractor and trailer than I cared to. I tried to be interested in it, but to be frank I just didn't care about push-rods and slack adjusters all that much. Next was the physical....OH blood pressure was soooooo high they told me to come back the next day to see if it came down. The next day my BP was within "range" so I passed the physical. The next step was to get my permit and start driving. In June 2009 I passed my road test and obtained my Class A CDL.

My husband was my trainer and boy oh boy did we have some communication problems. He's very methodical...I say "show me" or explain a different way. We finally got through it but man that was a challenge...........for the BOTH of us!

I realized something about myself during this whole process...I have severe phobias!!! I'm scared of bridges (high & low), highway fly-overs, mountains and driving through big cities. It took me quite a while to get used to driving the beast but I finally got it down. Downshifting was my biggest hurdle. After a while I really enjoyed driving!

In November of 2009 I became quite ill. My C1 disk in my neck kept going out causing all sorts of problems....dizziness, blurred vision, nausea. You see, when my husband was driving, I was sleeping. It isn't a very smooth ride so the bouncing and jarring around threw my neck out. Plus insomnia set in real bad. My husband took me home and that was that.

So, now what??? What do I do going forward? I've been out of the office environment for over a year so I knew it would be difficult getting back in. I don't want to drive a big truck by myself although I see many women out there doing it. More power to them. I know how hard it is.

Until next time.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 1 - Why am I here???

I often wonder, "why am I here"? Let me introduce myself. I am not a writer. I am a middle aged woman (in my 50's), married to a wonderful man, a truck driver (7 years younger than I) of 13 years. I have 3 beautiful and talented girls from a previous marriage, all grown up and on their own. I have 6 grandkids and another due in May. Two of my girls live in Rochester, NY, the other in Ashland City, TN. I have lived in Columbus, OH since 2000.

When I was growing up I lived in the same house until I married; the house my parents built to raise their family. I am the middle child. My brother is 4 years older than I, a product of the 60's and my sister is 9 years younger.

My husband and I were doing ok until I got layed-off in 2008 from a job that I absolutley loved. I've lost jobs before for one reason or another but this one hit me extremely hard. I went through all those emotions of being hurt, mad and scared. Right after the lay-off I had ankle surgery to repair a defect in my bone. This was the second surgery in 2 years! As I was recovering I came up with this brainstorm of an idea that once I was able to walk we would sell everything we have, put our townhouse on the market and I would get my CDL and drive team with my husband and live out of our truck. You know, see the country and be with the man you love. Many husbands and wifes team drive now-a-days and make a pretty good income. So that's what I did in April of 2009. WHAT A CHALLENGE! I'll get into that next time.

What I hope to gain from this blogging venture is to dig deep down inside my soul and figure out just what the heck am I going to do with the rest of my life. I never saw myself this old! Now that I am on the downhill slope of life, what now?

Good night web-world!